FAQWhat are the hardware requirements on each platform?If you have a doubt, please try the free version first before buying from Astromist web site.On Palm OS:
On Pocket PC:
On iPhone/iPod/iPad:
I can't find the menu on my Pocket. What's the matter?To open the menu bar you must click on the title of each page. For example into "Astromist Menu" blue tab from the main Astromist screen.With prior version to 3.0, HTC user had trouble to access to the second and third menus. They had either to disable "3D sense" or to tap at the top right corner of the first memnu to open the next one.
What are the benefits of the registered versions?You are able to:
You receive the exclusive rebates on additional devices certified with Astromist :
Astromist do not works when I tried it on my computer. What's the matter?The pocket PC version of Astromist runs only on Windows Mobile OS 2003 or greater and not on other Windows systems (95, 98, 2000, XP, Vista, etc).
Are there major differences between the versions on Palm and Pocket PC?No, the both versions are now sharing the same set of functionalities. The look and feel are common too.Computations are far faster on Pocket PC because the program is compiled in native Arm code. Palm version takes benefit of the faster graphic rendering capabilities of PalmOS. High resolution and wide screen support is better on Palm because the pixels are really "usable and visible". By the way the user can take benefit of the full resolution. On pocket PC, due to the very small size of pixels on the 480x640 screens and , it is not always possible to keep things simply visible at full resolution. One point that could help for the choice: On Palm, battery life is far longer and memory is not volatile even when battery is exhausted. I am using phone line for my internet connection and it is not easy to upload the whole package due to its size. Are there other methods to get the full package ?Upon request, Astromist can be delivered up and ready on memory card (extra cost of 40$ or 32Ä excluding shipping). Please send a request if you are interested at contact@astromist.com for more information.Can I use Astromist on my Mobile Phone?Yes. On any Treo on Palm OS. Only if you have at least a 240x240 (or wider) touch screen on Windows Mobile else the screen rendering will no be correct or you will not be able to use the astromist menus and fearture without a touch screen. On iPhone of course.Does the Palm version of Astromist will be continue to be supported?Yes for bug fixing but with the next 3.0 version Astromit will reach the physical limits of the Palm in terms of speed capabilities and memory (3D engine). Some new feature may not be available later.Is there any common data between the both versions that can be shared?Yes the photos are common. To deliver the best performance, the catalogues are specifics to each platform and are not compatibles. The tools to create the custom catalogues are specific too.I am already a Palm registered user, is there a special rebate if I want to register to the Windows Mobile version?All upgrades are free for the same platform. Transfer of licence accross platform is not available.If I switch to the Windows Mobile version, could I reuse my Aircable box to control my Telescope or Camera?Yes. Bluetooth tests have been made using Aircable boxes (the older and the newer).I am using Astromist with the new T|X and I cannot quit the application. What should I do ?To quit your current Astromist version and avoid a soft reset, just open the Graffiti area and then press the home icon. This will exit Astromist.Once done, upload the last version and install it. This will solve this issue:
I failed to extract the registered files with my MACYou need to use StuffIt Expander which will prompt for the password.Check you are not using BOMArchiveHelper which is often the default for zip files. It doesn't handle password protected files. What do I need to do to control my telescope using bluetooth technology?A Bluetooth to serial converter is mandatory. I am working with Aircable since March 2004 to provide such solution to Astromist end-users. Their product is the cheapest one and they made several changes to enable telescopes control (compatibility with the Takahashi telescopes, removable hardware handshake, etc.). Astromist registered users receive a complete Bluetooth configuration document to help them.For more information read : Using the moon map I can't select a well known crater like Copernicus.It is a limitation of the free version. The free catalogue of the moon's craters contains only the biggest. Several well known craters are not provided within this limited catalog. Registered end-users receive the complete catalogue with more than 1400 craters.The moon map is not displayed, what is the matter ?By default map of the day is displayed and probably it is a new moon day so the map is black and nothing is displayed. You have to go into the calendar, select a day when the moon is visible (the full moon day for example). You will get the map of this day.I did not succeeded to connect my T3 using a serial cable to my GPS ?T3 serial port has some bugs. Whatever the configuration software can do, the hardware handshake is always active. As most of ours scopes do not provide such signal, a home made specific connector is mandatory where RTS and CTS pin connected to the T3 serial cable MUST be wired to create a fake signal. This hardware patch will work only for scope. If you are using GPS, there is an other bug in T3 serial management that should cause a crash (buffer overflow). In this case, or if you are afraid by the hardware patch for your scope, the serialfix shareware should solve this trouble. In this case just install it.Using the Bluetooth technology, there is no trouble.
I am in the south hemisphere and the moon map isn't in the right sense for me.A version for south hemisphere of Astromist (with inverted pictures of the moon) is available for registered end-users. Just send an email to ask.I do not found my question into this listSend me an email at "contact(at)astromist.com". |